Friday, 20 September 2019

Mix and Improper Fractions


My Refection

I am learning to  make a  google slides  about mix and  improper  fractions  i found this hard because at first I didn't  know what a Improper fraction was  but  once
I the hang of it I knew what  to do I would love to do this work again.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Jump Startegy

My Reflection
I.A.L how to use the jump strategy in math's I found this tiring because when we did it we had to do it in our books and  and my hand was tried after a very long time of writing but when i finish it I knew a whole knew math's strategy that i'll use a lot more.  

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

New Start. New Year. New Class. Yay!

I am officially a Year  6 now. I am SO excited. I can't wait. My teachers don't like to be called teachers.
They prefer to be called rock stars. Room 19 has 19 sharks. They must love sharks.

I need to work on reading. I love books but there's some words that I don't know?
Room 19 all have their own tote tray to put their hats and books their still reading in there.
Each tote tray has a name on it .

I need help on reading because there is some words that are really hard to read like mystery and machine. My favorite book is charlie and the chocolate factory.  I love that book but it is a little  bit hard.